BoredPanda published very old, but still useful life hacks. BordedKrzysiu remade them for your enjoyment.
What was your favorite? Maybe you’d find another story for the pictures? Do you want yet another part? Leave feedback on the krzysiu.net Facebook or in the comments!
Mix up sugar in your tea without spoon
Don’t bother with finding a spoon – rotting flowers will do just as well plus you’ll get a slight taste of hippopotamus water.
Sabotage any revolution
Even most wicked crowd won’t notice you are saboteur. Just use this fire extinguish mixture and act it’s a Molotov cocktail.
This little tip will save you a lot of thinking
Before lighting up that fat roach, label any stuff you’ll need, so you won’t need to think how it’s named – especially your favorite munchies like a butter.
You are not alone
It’s not the silver or gold, but the hand moves which brings party ghosts!
Your depression is gone in 3… 2… 1…
If rainy weather makes you depressed, put something down to feel better. Take a potato and stick a rose into it, so it will know that with such look, the only way to live is to serve more beautiful beings.
Stuck bottle
If the bottle cap is stuck, gently put a cotton thread around the cap (don’t damage it) and then fu*&#$@ng smash it against the wall and quickly proceed to the next point.
Spilled vodka?
There’s no time to think. Take off your underwear, soak it into the precious puddle and wring it directly to your mouth.
Cheer up your pet
Your lobster pet will be much happier if you’ll make it a tiny bed and you’ll caress its belly and tail.
Primo: safety
To hide your drugs, mash them into a powder, keep it in the bag with label “sand” and when heat is going up, temporarily move out your grandpa from his urn – it will be a great hiding place.
You don’t need expensive hardware
Your voyeur lust can be fulfilled just by a small mirror!
Yet another cool use of the mirror
If you are so high, your eyes scares away even most tough guys and your lips became bloody red, you may be unsure if there’s any smoke at all and your joint is burning well. A mirror or reflection from gas lighter will let you know.
Get every last drop of vodka
After a party, hang empty bottles upside-down above the plate. At morning you’ll have a wonderful, anti-hangover mix.
Not my fault, lol
When the rust eats up your gas pipes, just paint it up. After explosion nobody will notice the difference!
The common denominator of London and Cracow
In the days of heavy smog the saw will make cutting through the air much easier.
Really nice descriptions 😀
And found a mistake:
[..] saw will make cutting >thought< – should be "through"
Thank you – fixed! I’m glad you’ve provided link to your website. We seem to share musical and visual taste 🙂 Interesting design, fine music!